Energetic and Spiritual Care and Cleansing
Regular price frs 130.00 CHF
Energetic and Spiritual Care and Cleansing. ( 1x cleansing will have +7d of care on photo)
What is energy healing?
An energy treatment aims to work on pain, physical or mental illness by treating the client's energy system as well as all negative and karmic energies. During the session, the practitioner harmonizes the energies to make it more fluid while "untying" the knots present.
Who is it for?
Energy treatments are for anyone who wants to take care of themselves, optimize healing and/or start to let go and feel good.
* Unique and recuperative deep relaxation
* Reconnection with the Self
* Calms stress
* Feeling of lightness
* Rebalancing of energy centers
* Removes old reactionary reflexes
* Calms pain
*Improves energies
*Helps to feel good and regain self-confidence
for an appointment Tel: +41.79.892.63.34 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Have a nice day.
for paid by twint Tel: 079.571.80.51
Additional info on our website: https://la-porte-des-secrets.com/
Inventory Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024
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Merci beaucoup pour votre aide 🌟
Ils sont juste incroyables, encore merci à eux. J’ai eu une période assez difficile avec beaucoup d’angoisses et de stress. Mais grâce à eux je vais réellement mieux, je peux enfin me lever tranquillement sans boule au ventre ni angoisse. Vous pouvez leur faire 100% confiance et je vous les recommande sans hésitation. En plus de ça il y a un suivi et ça c’est top. Foncez !!!